5 Essential Tips to Boost Your Resale Value

The key to boosting the value of your home lies in specific …

2019’s Hottest Home Decor

Comfort is trending for 2019, a consensus of home decorators…

Deck the Halls for Happy Holidays

Whether you opt for fresh-cut or fresh out of the box, trimm…

Clean Your Wood Floors With Cleaners You Make at Home

Whether it’s to help safeguard the environment from chemic…

How to Keep Pipes From Freezing

Brrr, it's cold outside! This means your home is taking the …

Study Up on Proper Winter Home Staging

Although this may not be the most popular time of year to se…

Safely Lighting Your Holiday Home

A well-lit home for the holidays sends a message of seasonal…

Plumbing Blunders: How to Dodge Holiday Disasters

A full house for the holidays can be wonderful--but not for …

How to Hide More Seating In a Small Space

Whether it's an apartment or a tiny home, small-space living…