5 Tricks to Get Your Whole Family to Clean Out Their Closets

In family life, there’s so much to love—the laughter, the little adventures and the days filled with play. But with that fun can come a mess—more specifically the mess that accumulates when you have less time for organizing than you’d like. Finding yourself in a home that’s overflowing with stuff isn’t unusual, but it can leave you feeling a little out of control.

Here are some steps to get your home and closets organized from top to bottom:

1. Talk about it.
The family that talks together, organizes together. But in all seriousness, if you start discussing the need for organizing ahead of time, the family unit will be better prepared for it. Any parent who has high hopes for a clean home should make it a point to begin that conversation early.

Prep your kids (and your spouse!) by letting them know that the family is going to be working toward a common goal: to have everyone’s space cleaned up, organized and streamlined, removing any clutter and unneeded items. It doesn’t immediately sound fun, so let them know that you have plans to make it an enjoyable and rewarding experience.

2. Make a game plan.
Without a plan, you’re not going to be as successful as you’d like to be. Set goals for the family. Are your closets overflowing with clothes that don’t fit anymore? Are your winter and summer clothes all mixed together, confusing everyone as to which month it is? Are there certain rooms that have taken on a life of their own? Set goals to get those places and things organized.

At the same time, make sure your goals are realistic so that you (and your family) aren’t disappointed when you can’t organize every aspect of the entire household in one weekend. You want this to be as enjoyable a process as possible, so keep it simple.

3. Create a reward system.
Even as adults, a little treat can certainly motivate. To keep the organization train moving, schedule regular breaks after you accomplish a portion of your work. Did the kids move all their unwanted toys to Goodwill boxes? Did your husband move the boxed-up winter gear to the basement (finally)? Find a reward that will keep everyone on track. Order pizza for lunch, have a quick dance party, walk to the corner store for a treat…whatever your family loves to do, make it a reward for getting their work done. With each segment of work completed, make sure to encourage your crew and tell them what great work they’ve been doing. A positive attitude can go a long way.

4. Find new homes for previously loved items.
Cleaning and organizing your home can be a touch overwhelming—sometimes so much so that you feel like just throwing everything away and calling it quits. Don’t! When you find items that you no longer need but are still in good shape, create a pile to be donated or sold.

You can sell unworn or gently used clothing to consignment shops. Some online consignment stores, like thredUP.com, will even send you a prepaid bag you can use to send in your unwanted clothing, which makes it super easy to get everything out of the house fast.

There are also plenty of donation centers where you can drop off toys and furniture—or, if you live in a busy neighborhood, set your unwanted furniture at the end of your driveway for your neighbors or passers-by. (Just be sure to add a note saying it’s free.) As with this whole process, make sure to talk with your family about how good it’ll feel to have these things out of your home and that the items will find new homes with other families who can appreciate them just as much as you did.

5. Keep everyone on track.
Now that everyone in the family has created a calm and clean space for themselves, you can all relax and recharge for your next family adventure. Just make sure you’re clear with your nearest and dearest that if you’re not careful to keep up with clutter, it’ll start to pile up again. Find time in your daily schedule to tidy up and remove unworn or outgrown clothing from the rotation. Additionally, schedule another day or weekend of organizing in the future to make sure you stay clutter-free.

Your home is a sanctuary where you and your loved ones can have fun and laugh together. Regular cleaning and organizing means you can enjoy family time without the stress of an overflowing closet.

About the Author

Greg DiGiorgio is a highly reviewed Arlington MA Realtor who is a dedicated, passionate, and market-savvy professional who puts his clients’ satisfaction before all else. His attention to detail, superior people skills, broad knowledge of the real estate industry as a whole, and his pure determination to indulge his clients with first class service sets him apart. In addition to Greg being an Accredited Buyers Representative-ABR, he understands the power of creative, well-organized and highly effective marketing and offers customized marketing plans that maximize property exposure to the most qualified buyers. He has appeared several times on Fox 25 News where he was interviewed on current market trends and conditions. A real estate transaction is really about managing people, their desires and their finances. It is an intricate and consequential negotiation.

Greg understands that it is important to secure not only the most able buyer, but also to the one that is most likely to close the deal. When so much is at stake, Greg is the one you want to represent you. His fair yet aggressive negotiating style and protectiveness of his clients’ best interests and ultimately, their assets, has gained his respect with colleagues and clients alike.

Greg also knows that every transaction represents the most important purchase or sale a person can make, and he takes every precaution to ensure that communication is impeccable with all parties involved from beginning to end. Whether it’s patiently guiding first time buyers through this exciting process or following through with clients’ needs long after the transaction is over, Greg’s warm, caring yet efficient business style will turn you into a client for life.


Greg grew up in the Greater Boston area and has a deep appreciation for the North East way of life. He attended The University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing, with a concentration in Marketing Research. Greg’s professional background is rooted in the technology sales & marketing. As a result, he learned to adapt to many different people and situations quickly and competitively. The insight that he has gained from many years of involvement in bringing all components of a transaction together smoothly has granted him a unique perspective and approach to the real estate industry. His enthusiasm and tenacity has allowed him to emerge as one of Greater Boston’s finest Realtors, and one of the highest reviewed amongst Arlington MA Realtors!

My Goal

My goal is to provide the best experience possible to my clients while helping them achieve their real estate goals. My streamline systems and use of technology ensure a smooth ride along the way. Whether it’s a first-time buyer, a seller, or investor, I strive to gain lifelong clients and friends by providing them with a fun, relaxing, but yet educational experience throughout the entire process.

Objectives for my Buyer Clients

Counsel session to determine wants & needsSchedule times to view properties

Run comparable analysis report for subject property

Help negotiate terms of the offer

Provided options for home inspectors

Help negotiate & finalize terms of Purchase & Sale Agreement

Assist in finalizing finances with Mortgage Broker

Handle any other paperwork and/or tasks including meeting mortgage commitment deadlines to making sure the transaction closes on time.

I keep an open door policy with all my clients even after the sale should they have any questions, or need help with any of their real estate needs. The closing of a real estate transaction is not the end, but just the beginning of a relationship.

Objectives for my Seller Clients

Listen carefully to make sure your goals and objectives are clearly understood

Explain the home selling process thoroughly

Discuss agency relationship

Price your home accurately

Stage your home for sale

Plan & implement a proven & innovative marketing plan

Work diligently to sell your home quickly and efficiently

Follow up with open house leads & showing brokers to obtain feedback

Work hard to ensure that each step of the transaction is running smoothly

To ensure that all smoke & carbon monoxide detectors are installed and working correctly, and to obtain certificate from town/city

To obtain final payoff for city/town water bill

“Most Importantly to communicate with you consistently and efficiently throughout the entire home selling process”

Certifications and Recognitions

Winner of Leading Edge Real Estate’s Outstanding Creative Marketing Award. Certified Residential Specialist (CRS)

Accredited Buyers Representative (ABR)

Member of the Institute of Luxury Home Marketing (ILHM)

Licensed Massachusetts Real Estate Broker

Member of Greater Boston Real Estate Board (GBREB)

Member of National Association of REALTORS (NAR)

Zoning & Building Codes Certificate

Residential New Construction Certificate

Title V Certificate